Hey There! Thanks for visiting my site.
I’ve carved this little space out of our grand, world wide web abyss in order to share and connect to others like yourself. It’s a place where you can see my latest video & film work, learn about projects on the horizon and, if interested, contact me about possible future video collaborations.
As you get to know me, there are a few things you should be aware of. I live galaxies away from Los Angeles, in a land called the “Bay Area”. Despite this self-imposed obstacle, I still think I can make films. And, thankfully, I have. The Bay Area is a wonderfully creative community with talented artists from varying perspectives.
Film & Video is an art form that connects us on so many levels. I love meeting other like-minded enthusiasts, talking with them, learning from them. Only from sharing and collaborating with others do we become aware of what’s possible. We all have stories to tell. And this medium just happens to be my favorite.
I’m pleased to share my work with you on this site. I look forward to hearing about your own adventures in visual storytelling.